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Introducing The Global School of Business 

For Kingdom-Minded Business Owners

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Imagine being under the Supernatural Guidance of God. Him giving you a Supernatural Vision and Goal Setting Strategy for launching and scaling a profitable business.

  • And you experiencing the abundant life He came to give you (John 10;10)

  • And you being confident that the work He started in you, He will continue until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6)

  • And you being convicted that even though many are the afflictions of the righteous, He will deliver you from them all (Psalm 34:19)

  • Are you finally ready to step out in faith and launch your business?

  • Here's What It Looks Like Being Coached By Me

    As your Spirit-Led Coach & Business Strategist I'm called:

  • To give you a warning when you are heading in the opposite direction of the path God has pathed for you to follow

  • To hold your hand in support when the desire to give up feels overpowering

  • To hold you accountable to following through on the instructions you are receiving from God Holy Spirit

  • To intercede on your behalf in prayer and supplication to God

  • To celebrate with you when you achieve micro and macro wins in your life and business

  • To cheer you on as you boldly walk into your God-given purpose, achieve goal success and transform your life and business with the power of faith

  • To use the spiritual and natural gifts God has blessed me with to help you make a profitable impact personally, financially & spiritually using the business God has commissioned you to launch.

  • BUT God is responsible for your increase.

  • How Would You Know If This Is Right For You?

    This is for you if you are a Christian entrepreneur seeking to know:

  • How to identify, find and attract your ideal clients

  • How to price, package & promote your products or services

  • How to deploy email campaigns that will win over your ideal clients

  • How to deploy a marketing strategy that magnetizes your ideal clients to you

  • How to attract highly qualified paying clients using social media

  • How to craft copy that connects with and converts your ideal clients

  • How to plan, manage & deploy value-for-profit campaigns

  • How to build a sustainably profitable business

  • Want to know if we will be a good fit to work together?

    Book A FREE Strategy Session 

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