I'm what the secular society will call a classic failure. I was laid off from one job and walked away from two others all in the span of 4 years. All resulting from the act of me stepping out in faith. From a financial and situational perspective I was not ready to lose those jobs. However, being obedient to God paid off in the long run.
As a result of my being laid off in February 2016, I accepted God's invitation to become a business owner. Registering Faith in LIFE on March 7, 2016 even though my situation looked bleak. I did not have any money at the time to invest in launching a business. More importantly, I did not feel confident in my ability to launch or scale a profitable business. But I said yes anyway. To think if I hadn't said yes then, I wouldn't have my business today.
When He prompted me to walk away from my job in 2018 my business wasn't yet making any money. I received my first prompting the beginning of the year so I set a goal to leave my job in June after reaching an income bracket. When I failed to make that happen I abandoned that goal. Then the prompt came again, this time more insistent. So I reset my goal for September. But again I failed to bear fruit. However, this time was different. I chose to step out in faith and followed through and what has been happening since then has been mind-blowing. When you become a part of the family you will get to hear all the juicy details.