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In 3 Days Learn How To Pivot At Any Time Especially In A Time of Crisis

Because you are not ready to give up on your dreams and we won’t let you

Dear Dreamer,

You are travelling through unchartered territory right now.

You have had to deal with loss.

Whether that was the loss of a loved one.

The loss of some of your freedoms.

The loss of your job or business.

The loss of the goals and expectations you had for 2020.

When I say I do relate, I am not saying that for saying that sake.

I lost not 1, not 2 but 3 family members in 2020.

I lost my job.

I feel as though my freedoms are being trampled on.

Yet, despite all that I have gained much, much more.

I lost 3 family members but gained 3 more, 2 already have been birthed with 1 more left to go.

I lost my job but gained a business.

Even though I feel as though my freedoms are being trampled on. I am more aware of the importance of standing up for my rights. Something I have been neglecting.

More importantly my faith has never been stronger regardless of how bleak things look in the world.

None of this is by accident.

I have learnt how to pivot at any time, especially in a time of crisis because of my determination to not quit.

To not quit on me.

To not quit on the dreams God has given me.

To not quit on using the natural and spiritual gifts God has blessed me with.

To not quit on my God-given purpose in life.

Because for me there was too much at stake.

If I quit, how could I explain to my younger siblings not to look to the world to define who they are but to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by their creator God if I was calling that into question myself?

If I quit, how could I look them in the eyes and tell them to chase their dreams when I didn’t have the courage to chase mines?

If I quit, how could I convince them that they need to use the natural and spiritual gifts God blessed them with to positively impact the world when I was letting my feeling of unworthiness stop me from doing the same thing?

If I quit how could I encourage them to pursue their God-given purpose in life if I was afraid to do just that?

I put the devil on notice. I let him know loud and clear that there was no quit left in me.

I was ALL in

I’m leaving anything from 2020 that hasn’t served me in the past and entering into 2021 hopeful

As I am writing this message to you there’s still a few days left of 2020 and the hope I started with has not left me. In fact, I am more hopeful for 2021 than I was for 2020.

Even though we are still in the midst of a pandemic that has wreaked havoc in the lives of so many people on a global scale.

I know it sounds crazy.

I felt crazy saying it back in March of 2020 while on a call with other Christian entrepreneurs sharing with them the promise I received from God; that my business was going to be better than it has been.

Guess what?

It has.

My business has quality clients

It has a system for generating results for my clients

It has systems for exponential growth

And He has given me a new promise; that He will power my profits.

And again I am believing Him for that and I know that He will stay true to His word because He is faithful.

2021 is going to be the year of exponential fruit

You are probably thinking that I am cuckoo.

But bear with me for a minute.

What if this was the year you birthed the business, book, or baby you have been hopefully waiting for?

What if this was the year you broke free from abuse, bondage or condemnation and into your destiny?

What if this was the year you arose and shine your light into this world, into this dark moment in time?

What would that look and feel like?

How differently would you show up in your life, at work, in your business or in your community?

How differently would you show up for the people who rely on you?

How differently would you show up for your country?

This world needs dreamers like you to shine light into this dark world.                                                                                                                                                                     

Together Let’s Make A Commitment To:

Release You Past

It’s time to release anything and everything that is NOT serving you. To let go of the things that are holding you back. To walk away from things that are enslaving you instead of empowering you.

Revive Your Faith

Let God resurrect your dying hopes and dreams. Let God pour into you fresh revelations for your life and business. Put your faith in God and trust that He is doing a good work in you.

Relaunch Your Dreams

Activate the life and business plan God downloaded to you. Demonstrate your faith by taking action. Monitor your progress, celebrate your wins and thank God for the work He’s doing in you.

“We are designed to reign in life through prosperity of soul. Our inner world defines our outer world” 

Bill Johnson

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Meet Your Speakers

Suzanne Ellers

Mentor & Speaker

Knowledge and learning are the foundation of how Suzanne Ellers got her start as a successful Accountability provider. She served her country right out of high school as a Medical Supply Specialist in the Army. Since she excelled in school academically, she left the military in August 2001 and started her journey to her bachelor’s in business management with an intention to pursue a career teaching in business.

Taking an active role in learning she worked in a small diverse business learning the daily life of entrepreneurs. Graduating in 2005 she took time to concentrate on being a homemaker for her family of her husband and four kids. Then, in the winter of 2010, she took on achieving her master’s degree in teaching and learning, graduating in 2011 ready to contribute to the world of education.

Kris Cavanaugh

Author, Coach & Speaker

Kris Castro is a Faithful Warrior, an Inspiring Visionary, and a Bold Change-Agent after 50 years of walking with the Lord through both joyful and extremely difficult seasons of her life. Her company, Shift Inc.™, creates possibility-rich environments filled with laughter, encouragement, and affirmation, leading to endless growth opportunities. Kris absolutely loves coaching, training and mentoring others in a deeply transformative way using the Holy Spirit as her guide.

As an ICF Professionally Certified Coach (PCC), Kris helps Marketplace, Ministry, and Community Leaders forge new paths to make a positive impact within their sphere of influence wherever the Lord has planted them. She also works within their organizations to help executives and teams improve their effectiveness and produce more consistent results, leading to desired outcomes.

Kileha Holder

Author, Coach & Speaker

Kileha Holder is Driven by Faith. She is the first time author of The Law of Faith In Action: How To Receive The Blessings God Already Has for You. She is a Spirit-Led Coach and Business Strategist and the CEO of Faith In LIFE. Kileha uses the natural and spiritual gifts that she has been blessed with to help entrepreneurs launch and build the business they believe God has called to them to build.

Kileha is a certified Business, Life and Goal Success Coach. She also has certifications in Content and Email Marketing, as well as a bachelor's degree in Psychology. More importantly, she has attended and graduated from the School of Hard Knocks after first starting her entrepreneurial journey in the network marketing industry before launching and building Faith In LIFE, the business God has commissioned her to launch on March 7th, 2016. So in addition to her academic credentials, she has the experience to go with it.

Change Your Life One Day At A Time

Day 1

  • Identify what’s holding you back and release it

  • Identify and know when God is speaking to you and what He is saying

  • Walk away feeling lighter than you have been in a while

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Day 2

  • Walk away knowing how to live out a kingdom lifestyle

  • Partner with God to co-create your abundant life

  • Create a lifestyle of impact for God’s glory

    R.S.V.P - Save My Spot

    Day 3

    • Have a plan for your life and business

    • Have a plan for success

    • Identify what your God-given purpose is and boldly walk it out with conviction

    R.S.V.P - Save My Spot

    How To Attend FREE or SAVE $97 on Your VIP/Platinum Package

    Get A Copy of My Book & Use The Coupon Inside At Checkout

    Available NOW on Amazon

    Kindle eBook http://bit.ly/eBook-AmazonUSA

    Paperback Copy Available Soon

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    Choose From The Options Below Get Greater Value And Save Big

      General Admission

      Only 55 Spots Available

    • Access to 3-Day Event (value $397)

    • In Session Q & A

    • Worksheets

    • Breakout sessions with other attendees

    • Access to replays 48 hours after the event inside a Private Facebook Group

    • Bonus: Supernatural Vision & Goal Setting Strategy Workbook ($27) FREE



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    Use Coupon Code Inside The Book At Checkout

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      VIP Package

      Only 30 Spots Available

    • General Admission (value $397)

    • 3-Day Backstage Passes 1-hour a Day after event session with a coach ($297)

    • Bonus 1: Lifetime access to the replays ($127) FREE

    • Bonus 2: Breakout sessions with a coach ($27) FREE

    • Bonus 3: Goal Success Guide ($27) FREE

    • Bonus 4: Supernatural Vision & Goal Setting Strategy Workbook ($27) FREE



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      Platinum Package

      Only 15 Spots Available

    • General Admission (value $397)

    • VIP Package ($297)

    • Bonuses ($208)

    • A Private 30-minute coaching session with one of the coaches ($97)



    SAVE $97

    Use Coupon Code Inside The Book At Checkout

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    What Our Clients Have To Say

    Those who attend our online sessions, have seen results in some aspect of their life. Read below what they have to say:

    Suzanne is a phenomenal business implementation coach. She really knows how to diagnose the problems in a business. She has amazing intuition, very good insight seeing problems that other people will easily miss. There's been a dramatic impact on my results working with Suzanne.

    VIVEK K.

    Kris has provided me with a framework to hold myself accountable for living my best life possible and given me an opportunity to regularly prioritize what is important to me so I can align my actions to achieve my personal and professional goals."


    Kileha, has an "all about you" approach to helping you find your mental blockages that stand in the way of our success. Kileha is beautiful from the inside out, willing and able to share her gifts on how to prosper. Highly recommended her special services.


    Your Questions Answered

    Why should I attend this event?

    This is for you if you are the type of person who has a hunger to learn and grow personally & spiritually. You are someone who attends events like this to get inspired, network, discover good habits to apply to your life  or you are seeking to discover and live out your God-given purpose in life.

    What if I can't attend the event?

    The event will be streamed LIVE inside a private Facebook group and recorded. If you have a general admission ticket you have 48 hours after the event to watch the replays. If you have a VIP or Platinum package you have lifetime access to the replays.

    Would this training help me improve my relationship?

    This event and the content shared is designed to help you transform your relationship with the triune God, yourself and those in your sphere of influence. The transformation can only occur when you stay committed to implementing what is taught during this 3-day event.

    What happens after training ends?

    By the grace of of God you continue to implement all the teachings taught during this 3-day event and witness your life being transformed for the better. If you have opted to upgrade to a Platinum package you will have a personal 1-on-1 session with a coach to give you additional support and accountability you need to accelerate your transformation.

    Do you have any guarantees?

    Yes! We believe in customer satisfaction and thus provide a 7-Day Money Back guarantee for those who have invested in getting a VIP or Platinum package. 

    How to know if this isn’t a scam

    We value our reputation as such will not do anything that will jeopardize our reputations as an author, coach & speaker. We believe in God our heavenly Judge and seek to follow His commandments and live a Christ-like lifestyle in life and business.

    Let's stay connected

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