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No One Can Ever Pay You What You Are Worth BUT They Can Pay You What You Deserve

We entrepreneurs fall into the trap of exchanging time for money because that is what we were use to when working a job.

As a result, when we start working for ourselves we try to decide how much we should charge for our time.

But here's the thing NO ONE can ever pay us what we are worth BUT they can pay us what we DESERVE.

Let me ask you this when it comes to pricing your products or services which one of these ladies do you relate to the most?

Are you like Marie, questioning whether you should increase your prices or not?

“Was trying to decide if I should increase my prices or add shipping” - Marie

Or, are you like Stephanie basing your prices on emotion?

“I’m scared people will think it’s too expensive” - Stephanie

Or, do you compare your prices to your competitors like Cherry?

“I want to increase my prices, however with the pandemic and people still out of jobs I feel like I shouldn’t. I do yard sign rentals. I do have a competitor and she prices her rates $10 more than I do” - Cherry

Or would you rather be Emerald, who recognizes the value of her time and the importance of being properly compensated for it?

“I have been guilty of randomly picking a price for my services but as a mom to three kids, I know the value of my time and the importance of being properly compensated for it”

How much simpler & stress-free would your life be if you had a strategic way of pricing, packaging & promoting your products or services for VALUE & PROFITABILITY not dollars and cents?

Yes, your prices will have a dollar value but your clients/customers will feel like they are getting 10 times the value for what they paid for.

Because you will eagerly give them 10 times more the value they expect to receive as a result of choosing to buy from you.

Thus providing a win-win situation for you and your clients/customers.

One where they get to extract ALL the amazing benefits your product or service has to give.

And you get to generate the 5, 6 or 7 figure income you deserve to make as a result of the profitable impact you are creating in your clients’/customers’ lives.

It's time to STOP underpricing your products and services because you think if you price it higher people won't be able to afford it.

It's time to STOP overpricing your products and services just because someone told you that you need to have a high ticket item to attract those with money.

It's time to STOP randomly picking a price for your products or services as though you were selecting which menu item to get.

The reason you are doing one or more of the above is that deep down you don't feel worthy. Well, I have a message for you from God Holy Spirit.

It's time for you to START treating the resources He's given you with the respect it's due. Not as an idol BUT as a tool to do His will.

It's time to START stewarding the business He has commissioned you to launch. As your boss He expects you to obey His commands and trust that He will take care of the increase.

It's time to START pricing, packaging and promoting your products or services as the valuable commodity they are.

Inside this 3-hour in-depth video training valued at $567 you will:

  • Get clear on your true intentions and be able to boldly declare that you’re in business to provide value for profit.

  • Have no doubts as to whether you are called to be in business

  • Identify and understand the difference between value & price and how to make that work for you and your clients

  • Become hyper-vigilant in knowing, understanding & promoting the benefits clients will receive

  • Be able to give people what they want the most - a solution to their problem - NOT the remedy they have to undergo

  • Understand the difference between presenting an offer and just selling a product or service

  • Learn the psychology & science behind pricing and which numbers have a higher conversion

  • Discover 3 pricing strategies you can use that adds greater value to what you do and how you serve your clients. Plus generate repeat and/or higher paying clients

  • How to promote the value of what you have to offer

Walk away with:

  • A Pricing Calculator Tool that takes the guesswork, emotions, & comparison out of pricing your products or services (Market Value $167)

  • An Expense Tracker Tool that allows you to have a business that pays for your lifestyle and not a lifestyle that pays for your business (Market Value $167)

  • A Profit Generator Tool that allows you to project how much profit you will like to generate month by month for the year (Market Value $167)

  • A 90 Day Goal Success Guide to plan, execute and track your progress in real-time so that you stay on track to achieving your goals. (Market Value $97)

  • A Vision & Goal Setting Strategy Workbook to get super clear on what God has called you to do in the marketplace, who He’s called you to serve, how He’s called you to serve them and how you will know you’ve succeeded. (Market Value $97)

Plus these BONUSES ...

Bonus #1

Private FB Community Group

Market Value


Receive support as you go through the content. Have your questions answered during our weekly Q & A Sessions.

Bonus #2

A Personal Pricing Strategy Session

Market Value


A coach will personally meet with you via Zoom for one hour to help ensure that you are pricing your products or service for the value they bring to the marketplace.

Your Bundle Includes:

A Video Training

Expense Tracker

Pricing Calculator

Profit Generator

A 90 Day Goal Success Guide

A Vision & Goal Setting Strategy Workbook

Access to A Private Facebook Community Group

A Personal Pricing Strategy Session

Total Market Value $10,416

Regular Price $297.00

Yours Today for ONLY $197

Yes! I Want To Start Creating Value-for-Profit

Marvelous Okpah

Founder & CEO of Skill for Women

Kileha is such an amazing person, She's full of life & energy, She's ever ready to teach and coach you and always willing to see that as her student, you are doing excellently well

Suzanne Ellers 

Implementations Strategist

Kileha is there for her students each step of the way. From forming the mission to establishing your online strategy to support your business. Her energy, passion and drive are contagious and have been a blessing!

Mary Triggs


Through coaching sessions with Kileha. I've learned how to become the best version of myself. How to begin by mapping out my goals; determine my strengths and weaknesses; develop a plan of action and believe in myself.

How you price your products or services is going to determine whether you are losing money every month or generating a profit.

More importantly than that, it will determine whether you are in a position to add value to your customers.

Simply because you cannot give value to your clients if your business is struggling to survive.

But with the right pricing structure and pricing strategy your business can thrive even during economic instability.

How Do I Know?

Hi I'm Kileha

And I have made more this year in my business than I have in the years prior. Mainly because I believe that God has blessed me.

And He has given me the courage and conviction to ask to be paid what I deserve.

He's also the one who has given me the godspiration to create this training and tools.

To help entrepreneurs just like you to go from being scared and uncertain to confident when it comes to pricing, packaging & promoting your products and services for value and profitability.

Because I believe you deserve to make a profitable impact personally, financially and spiritually. And you can do ALL 3 without having to sacrifice one for the other.

Some of My Credentials

guess what?

I used the same tools in this toolkit to calculate these prices. I didn't have to over think it or get emotionally involved. I put in my numbers and it popped out a price. Then I used the psychology of pricing and the pricing strategies to determine what my final prices should be. That's it, as simple as that.

Value-for-Profit Toolkit

All the tools & resources you need to start pricing your products or services for value & profitability NOT dollar & cents

  • How To Price, Package & Promote Your Product or Service for Value & Profitability - Video Training (Market Value $567)

  • Expense Tracking Tool (Market Value $167)

  • Pricing Calculator Tool (Market Value $167)

  • Profit Generator Tool (Market Value $167)

  • 90 Day Goal Success Guide (Market Value $97)

  • Vision & Goal Setting Strategy Workbook (Market Value $97)

  • Private Facebook Community Group (Market Value $8,967/year)

  • A Personal Pricing Strategy Session (Market Value $187)

Yes! I Want To Start Creating Value-for-Profit

This is for you if you are:

  • Passionate about making a difference

  • Committed to adding value to your clients

  • Willing to invest time & money to get result

  • Coachable and willing to take radical action in order to get radical results

This is NOT for you if you are:

  • Looking for overnight success

  • Not willing to invest the time & money to learn what to do create value-for-profit

  • Not willing to take radical action in order to get radical results

  • Not committed to adding value into the lives of your clients



If for any reason if after consuming the training and using the tools and you feel like you got no value at all you can contact us and let us know and we will refund you your money and you still get to keep the recording.